Antimony ore

Element description:

The first ionization energy is 5.67 eV. Can be burned into oxides; oxides are approximately white.

Element source:

The mixture was distilled in vacuo common metal lanthanum and europium oxide is further from the original system.

Element use:

Because its atoms absorb more neutrons than any other element, it is often used in atomic reactors as a material for absorbing neutrons. In addition, it can be used as a fluorescent powder for color televisions, which emit shiny red color for making TV screens, laser materials, and the like.

Elemental auxiliary materials:

The discovery of rare earth elements has gone through more than 100 years since the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Tens of them have been discovered, but only a dozen of them have been confirmed. It is considered to be a rare earth element discovered in the early 20th century. 1892 Boisbaudran by spectral analysis, identifying the presence of two new elements samarium, named Zε and Zζ. Later in 1906, De Mackay studied to determine that the new element was named the same element and was named europium, the element symbol Eu.

The discovery of bismuth and another rare earth element strontium completes the discovery of all rare earth elements found in nature. The discovery of the two can be considered as the fourth door to open the discovery of rare earth elements, completing the fourth stage of the discovery of rare earth elements.

Element symbol: Eu English name: Europium Chinese name: é“•

Relative atomic mass: 151.96 Common valence: +2,+3 Electronegativity: 1.2

Peripheral electronic layout: 4f7 6s2 Extra-core electronic layout: 2,8,18,25,8,2

Isotope and radiation: Eu-147[24.4d] Eu-148[54.5d] Eu-149[93.1d] Eu-150[36y] Eu-151 Eu-152[13.5y] *Eu-153 Eu-154[8.6 y] Eu-155[7.4y] Eu-156[15.2d]

Electron affinity and energy: 0 KJ·mol -1

First ionization energy: 546.5 KJ·mol -1 Second ionization energy: 1085 KJ·mol -1 Third ionization energy: 0 KJ·mol -1

Elemental density: 5.259 g/cm3 Elemental melting point: 822.0 °C Elemental boiling point: 1597.0 °C

Atomic radius: 2.56 angstrom ionic radius: 1.07 (+3) angstrom valence radius: 1.85 angstrom

Common compound: none

Discovered by: De Marseille Time: 1901 Location: France

Origin of the name:

Named after the European continent, the name "Europe" (Europa).

Element description:

Soft silver- white metal.

Element source:

From a mixture of calcium, thorium, cerium phosphate, and most other rare earth elements - monazite sand.

Element use:

Used together with yttrium oxide as a red phosphor on a color television screen.

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